Bunny (c) FreeFoto.com Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue
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Stamp up Support for Bobtails - 3/18/2010

Please help Bobtails by keeping your used postage stamps which can be sold to raise funds for the charity. We need lots of stamps to be able to raise a decent amount of money. The stamps should be left on their backing paper and torn or cut with at least ½ cm of paper around them. If you don’t have time to cut out the stamps, keep the whole envelope and we will do the trimming.

Foreign stamps can be worth more so if you have friends or relatives who live abroad, ask them to help too. This is a long term project and there is no start or finish date, so please keep collecting all year. Thank you!

Please send your collected stamps to:-

Bobtails Stamps
8 Thames Close
KT16 8NQ

If you have a query please email stamps@figureworks.co.uk

You can download an envelope and hand out here.

We are next open:

***After 20 plus years it is with great sadness that we have decided that the time is coming to bring Bobtails Rescue to an end. Bobtails will finally close 1st November 2022***

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